Friday, March 6, 2009

First Post, First Sunday

Now that I have moved away from the beautiful city of Salt Lake, I have decided to start a blog so that my family and friends who wish can know what is going on. Thanks for the suggestion Marg. This will most likely not be the most interesting blog as I have no husband to brag about or growing fetus to write about. But if my experiences here are anything like those in my life so far, I am sure I will meet some really interesting characters in no time at all. 
Today was my first day at the new Singles' ward here in Austin. I love the feeling of the ward here. I felt very welcome and people actually went out of their way to introduce themselves to me. My bishop gave an amazing testimony and I already know that he is a man of God. I learned so much and my heart was very touched by his strong testimony. Of course there are the usual singles' ward people but you find those everywhere. I know this is where I am supposed to be and that it will be a great experience. 
After church the RS Pres, Kristin, came up and invited me to dinner with some people to celebrate a guy in the ward's birthday. I was so blown away that someone would be so friendly to a total stranger and be so willing to include me so quickly. It really made my week. I went to the party and Ivy had made the most delicious pizza and met some new people. I am slowly learning to overcome my awkwardness in new social situations and Austin is proving to be a good place for me to practice. It was a great night and I am so happy that I have met some great people here so far. Tomorrow... orientation at the hospital.